Monday 30 March 2015

abstract building photography

These are images I found on the internet , the reason I picked these photos was because I know of places in Bradford that I could use to take similar images or my own with aspects of these photographs included. All these images are taken from a low angle look up towards the desired subject in the image. What also is shown in all these photos is that the object in the center has lines leading out of the image as all the objects , which include stairs , glass and the building itself, have been cropped and is not all in the photograph. This effect creates the illusion of a pattern and a series of lines , which allows the buildings to be showcased in a creative way which makes them appealing to the viewers.

Alexander Jacques is an abstract photographer and mainly shoots in New York and creates photographs that make the building look like its one pattern and this covers the entire image. The color blue is used a lot in his work, he also uses the light to highlight the building to make it eye catching and appealing. While in New York he spent days looking up to the sky as he was surrounded by patterns, created by the architecture, as he was more interested in the buildings and lines they had. Another reason he started to photograph buildings is because he believed that everyday people pass the buildings without glancing up, because either we ignore them or think there plain and ugly. With each of his photographs he tries to create a pattern that tricks the viewer to not think the subject is a building, as he wants the audience to see the pattern when they look at the photo.  His central aim is to create a new perspective on the ordinary.
Alexander Jacques transforms architectural facades into abstract patterns  Alexander Jacques transforms architectural facades into abstract patternsAlexander Jacques transforms architectural facades into abstract patternsAlexander Jacques transforms architectural facades into abstract patterns

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Task 1













Camera and Photography techniques

Burning negs 



These are the locations I plan on using; all these locations are in Bradford and are all in walking distance from the centre of town. The reason I picked these locations as they include old buildings that look interesting and appealing which will make for interesting photos. I also plan on using other locations , the media museum and city park are more modern locations that I can use as the project is about old meets new and using modern buildings will allow me to represent the project in my work.  Most of these of these locations are situated on roads which could cause problems however I will make sure to be safe while photographing. I am planning on taking a photo of the steps of the steps in city park as i could apply the technique of burning and scratching the image. As we are using a film camera I will make sure to make every image count and think about the photo, also check the surrounding area and think about the final image before pressing the shutter. Another way I'm going to photograph is at a low angle looking up at the building, when researching I came across a photographer named Alexander Jacques , when looking at his work and I was inspired as he creates patterns with the placement of the buildings in his photographs and as he also uses bold colours that stand out to the viewer, I will pick vibrant and appealing buildings to take photographs of. I will also look back at his work to look at the angles he use as this also give his images a visionary and ingenious twist, which intrigues the audience and this is something I want to achieve with my photos. 

  As I want more then one negative of a photograph I will pick a building to take two photos of, this will allow me to use the techniques I've researched. One of the techniques I will be using is burning a negative as it will make the image look old and destroyed, when burning I will have to make sure to burn where I want to and as I plan to use this technique to frame the subject, I will have to make sure to be careful. The most used technique used is overlaying images and I do like this technique and am planning to use it on my images, I will put my examples in my darkroom folder and analyse them there.


The first location I plan to visit is the playhouse as I plan to take a photograph from across the street to get the full entrance nice situated in the photo.


The second location is the city hall and I plan on taking photo of this building from the front, as that is the side with the more detail and beauty that I want to photograph.


As the cathedral has more then one entrance which both are photogenic I have many options on where to take the photograph and I will take a range of images so that I can pick the best photo for the final outcome.


When photographing the Alhambra I will use different angles while taking photos. I want to showcase the detail and beauty of the Alhambra and I believe a close up shot would achieve this.


This sculpture is not a entire building however it is a part of one and I thought it would be interesting to photograph , I may change the position I take the image to include more of the building.


this is the oldest building in Bradford and I want to take a wide angle shot to show the entire building as I want to document in in the best way and show all of its aspects.

midland hotel

I will be using this angle as I believe its the best way to photograph the building , I plan to use the image I take to use the technique of sandwiching negatives as I could see a image pasted over this image as I believe it will make for a creative and effective photograph.