Tuesday 27 January 2015

Photo shoot of shoes

This the contract sheet of the images I took of my shoes , this shows that the majority of the photos are shot at a high angle directly above the shoes with the floor as the background. Also most images only include my feet with the exception of a couple of photos where I introduced a another set of feet o showcase that I met up with another person as it adds a creative twist and helps the viewer create a  story in their head. I haven't wrote an actually story to go along with my photos as I want to leave it up to the viewer for them to create their own story. The reason the jeans change colour is because i had to re shoot the next day as i thought of other places I could use , I believe this does not make that much of effect on the viewer as there attention is directed onto the shoes and nothing else. Changing the angle I use in some photos allowed the set of images to be not all the same and have some photos that stood out and had a creative twist, as if in all the photos I used the same angle this would be boring and i wanted my final outcome to be interesting to keep the attention of the viewer directed towards my work. Mainly the lighting stays the same and this was because i shot most of my images during the day however i did take photos during the evening as well to make the set more diverse and artistic. The angle I use the most is this angle because to me it showcases and frames the shoes really well and allows the viewer see where the shoes are , it also makes the idea and theme of a journey make sense and stand out as with this angle the audience can easily form a story. I used the format landscape as after re shooting the object photos I found out landscape would be best to use with the shoes as portrait would not frame the objects the way I wanted to. 

Photos taken over Christmas break

i took all these photos over Christmas break and at different locations, I took the first photo at the window of my bedroom , this was taken on the day we had the snow. i chose this angle to showcase the garden in the best way by using a landscape format. To improve this photo I should of had a smaller shutter speed to allow less light in as it has over exposed.  
The second photo was taken in city park in front of the fountain, i also used a landscape format to fit the entire scene in the photograph. This format also also the scene to be set and presented in a creative way, i have used this format a lot for this set of photographs as i believe it is very effective. If i were to re shoot this location this way i would make sure to get everything in the frame and make sure to not crop anything out of frame.   

I took this photograph in my aunties kitchen , I re used the landscape format in this photo. The light in the left top corner is over exposed and this is because the main source of light is coming from that corner.  To improve the photo I would position the object in a better location so that the light would be hitting the entire object. 

The format portrait is used here as i wanted a varied use of formats for my photographs, this was a creative choice by me as I wanted to photograph the trail of light very effectively and creatively so that the viewers focus starts at the top of the image and travels down to the foreground. The location for this photo was city park however it is a different part of city park , this is next to the fountain aside the benches used by the public.    

Portrait format was used here again to allow the main object in the photo which make sure that the audiences attention is diverted to the main subject of the image. One distraction in the photo is the white light that is on the TV as it eye catching and could divert the attention of the viewer.   

This photo was taken in my kitchen and the reason I used the landscape format again as this I believe was the best way to frame the object in the image. In this image artificial lighting is used, the only source of light is above the item and this is allowing the entire object to be covered in light.   As the surrounding items are all red or brown this makes the black and white of the main object which makes it stand out to the viewer.  

These both images are shot in this format so that the scene is laid out in the best way to allow the viewer to see the entire landscape I am photographing.  Natural lighting is the main source of light in these three images as these were taken during the day where no extra lights were  required for this shoot. All locations were street locations , however this was not much danger as I was standing on the pavement while shooting , however I made sure to be safe while on the locations. While changing locations i had to adjust and find the perfect position where I could take a photo, this was relevantly easy to do as when in a new location I was able to look over the scene and find the best place. These three landscape photos have no central focus however they all have leading lines in them which allows the viewers to follow the lines , which helps keeps the audiences attention. Another reason these photos have no main subject is that I wanted to make them documentary images , showcasing the landscape. I found the project fun and interesting and it allowed me to think about the locations I am placed in. It also helped me to adjust to different places and quickly find the best place to take a photograph that was a successful image. There was one difficultly I had while doing this task, on some days I spent the entire day working and never had the opportunity to take a photograph which meant I had to take images on other days , when I had the chance. My favourite location to shoot in was  my kitchen as it is a large room and there were many different places in this one room which allowed me to have diversity in my photos. My main location type was indoors and this was a creative and practical decision as outside was too cold and as it was Christmas and people had put decorations up inside the houses and i spent most of my time indoors.