Tuesday 5 May 2015

Creating a pinhole photo in Photoshop

Creating a pinhole image in Photoshop, the first step is to place the image in the program Photoshop. Looking at my selection of photos I picked the ones that most appealed to me, these were ones that caught my attention and ones I believed would look good with the technique used on them. My images came from a varied amount of photo shoots I have done, some were selected from my  film photos and some are from my digital selection of photos.  When selecting I focused on the centre of the image as this is what the viewer will be focusing on, after the technique is applied. 

When the image has been placed Photoshop and is ready for editing the first thing to do is select filter and then select filter gallery. This will bring up the menu shown below, this menu allows you to apply filters on the images your editing. For this technique to look effective and make the photo look like a pinhole image the filter you have to apply is film grain. When applying this filter make sure to overdo the filter and make sure it looks appealing and improves the photo. Adjusting the sliders in this menu effects the look of the technique and this is the way you can make sure to not go overboard with the filter. As soon as your happy with how the filter has made the image look then press OK and the filter will be placed onto the image. The next step is alter the hue/saturation by lowering the saturation, this is done by selecting image then go on to select adjustments. In the adjustments menu there is a tab named hue/saturation. The menu below will pop up and this where you can make the alterations you want.

When applying the technique it may make the image looked drained and lacking in contrast, there are two ways to combat this. You can either adjust the levels or adjust the brightest and contrast, either helps improve the image. When editing I prefer to change the levels as this way allow me to have more control over the effect this has on the image. Either method has the desired effect on the photograph and it is possible to apply both. Whereabouts you find the tabs you press to bring these menus is under the tab image then under the tab adjustments, there are the first options in the menu.  

There is also other ways of editing and changing a photo, one way to change the look of an image is by using the tool of transforming the image. The transform tool has many ways to effect the image, the one I mainly use is the warp tool as it can make the image look inventive and creative to the viewer. This effect allows the photographed to be warped and changed the way I want, this allowed me creative freedom,

After applying the effects, you want to apply the next step is to select filter then add a radical blur to the photograph. This will make the edges of the image blurry and disoriented and highlights the centre of the image to the viewer. When photographing I made sure to frame a interesting item or building, so that the photo included a eye catching subject as the main focus. This works effectively when the amount of radial blur is set to 3, the method is set to zoom and the quality is set to either good or best, either one helps create the desired effect.      

If the radical blur has been effectively added to the image the next step is to modify the border, this tab is found under the select menu then under the modify sub menu. When this tab is clicked on it brings up a menu ( this menu is shown below), the menu allows you to change the amount of pixels the border will be. As the aim is to create a pinhole image the amount of pixels it should be is one, this allows a later technique to work effectively, this is the next step in the process.  

Next you have to select modify then select feather, which creates a inside semi circle which when set right cuts off parts of the edge. This allows me to just edit the highlighted areas. I can change and alter these areas any way I want, which helps me make the photo look the way I want it too.When I was Feathering the edges I experimented with the radius I used on the image. On different photos the radius that worked well could differ, this is why I has to see which number worked. Most commonly the range of numbers was between 50 - 100 and sometimes the radius could be 200 +. This part of the process is very simple and is a key part of making a pinhole photo in Photoshop, as its the main reason the images appears as pinhole photograph.  The two images below showcase what is shown when feathering is applied to the photograph, 

Mainly the reason feathering is used to create a pinhole photo is so that the corners of the image can be darkened. To do this you have to select hue/ saturation, which can be found under the image menu then the adjustments menu, A previously shown menu will then pop up on the screen however when using the menu now the thing to do is lower the lightness. This darkens the corner and blend the darkness into the image and makes the photograph look like pinhole image, which is what you want to achieve with this process. The final image is one of my examples, I used this image because the central focus is the building and the sky is very eye catching and draws the viewer towards the main focus of the photograph. 

Internet examples 
Image result for pinhole photoshopImage result for pinhole photoshop  My examples can be found on another blog post I've created.These are examples I took from the internet, I like the final photo the most as it uses colour to its advantage and this makes the image bold and creative, which attracts my attention. This is why in most of my pinhole images I've created colour is constant and used to improve the photograph, this was to make sure my images were noticed and showcased the creativity I used for my images
Image result for pinhole photoshop

Image result for pinhole photoshop

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