Monday 13 April 2015

Health and Safety risks for any Photo shoot

For every photo shoot there is a risk of being trampled by traffic , this is the main and most major risk during each photo shoot. The way I will combat this will be alert when navigating myself  across the streets , this risk can cause many serious problems however its not something that can be avoided. As I cross roads every day and its a thing done every day by many people , there even is dedicated areas along the road which allow the public to cross the road in a safe way. Other ways I am going to reduce this risk is by visiting locations that are not commonly used by the public which will allow me to take my time while taking the photos. There is only two major roads I will be using while out and about in Bradford which is why this risk is unlikely to happen, however the outcomes if there was complications has the potential to be dangerous which I will try my best to avoid, as I want no accidents to happen. Another risk is getting lost however as I spend nearly every day in Bradford I believe I know my way around and I'm unlikely to get lost, which makes this risk very unlikely to happen and something I'm not completely worried about.  I wont be alone while on this photo shoot, my friend will be accompany me which lets me have another person looking out for me as I will be looking out for her , having my friend there will not effect the level of risk. On previous photo shoots these have been the same and as the same risks apply here I know of ways to either reduce or avoid any consequences of any of the risk , the main way to avoid disaster is by being alert and known to my surroundings and assess where I am when I am in the streets photographing. The most unlikely thing to happen would be death as there is things out in Bradford that could me I have done many photo shoots in Bradford and nothing serious has happened so far.  If anything were to happen I know to contact the college and update them on the situation, the actions after this depend on the seriousness of the accident that occurred, any major accident I would either call an ambulance or make my way to the college and if the incident was something minor I could either make my way or home or back to college , all of this is based on the nature of the incident. 

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