Tuesday 14 April 2015

Leeds trip film scanned film work

My Plan for Leeds 

Finding buildings to photograph in Leeds was a very easy process as I looked at the buildings that are in Leeds and decide to photograph in and around the Trinity center as it looks appealing and photogenic to me. In Leeds there is also a varied amount of old buildings mixed between the new buildings, which is what I want to capture for this project as this showcases the theme I am going for. As we are going be using colour film I want to take photographs of  subjects and items that include a lot of colour and are eye catching to the audience so that my images look appealing. One of the locations I plan to visit is the main shopping street which is commonly used by the public , the reason I want to photograph in this location is because at either side of the street there is buildings which are a varied of old and new buildings I could photograph. 

After the trip 
These photos were taken in Leeds, this was an organised trip with the entire class and we were given time to explore the location of our choice. As I know Leeds navigating me way around was easy and I was able to find every location that I wanted to photograph and I was able to find every building that I researched and chose. The location I enjoyed and photographed the most was Trinity kitchen as it was the most colorful and attractive location that I documented on film, this was because every part of this area included bright colors and imaginative and appealing features. For this photo shoot I varied the type of format I used as many buildings were low to the ground and others were tall in scale, which made me switch between landscape and portrait format to photograph with. 

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