Friday 3 April 2015

Leeds trip thoughts

We took a trip to Leeds , we started off in the Trinity center and took photographs in this location. This was the location we started off in and as it is a modern area I took many photos here. There was a location I didn't have the chance to visit, which was at the top of the main street , the reason I wasn't able to use this sight to take photographs was because I ran out of time and wasn't able to use use this place. Walking to each location was not difficult  as each place was close by to each other. While taking photographs I was not approached by the public however wherever I went I was surrounded by them,  as I went to very popular sights. My favorite district I photographed was the Trinity center as it was most colorful place with the most appealing features to photograph. While walking around the weather was mild and stayed the same, which didn't change the way I photographed the buildings. As our objective was to take photos of modern buildings, I picked appealing and new looking buildings which to me are modern buildings. My favourite place to photograph was the Trinity kitchen as it was full of colours and appealing features which I found interesting to photograph. I also wanted to focus on the exposure when photographing to allow the photos to be a success when they are developed. The format I mainly used is landscape as I thought its the best format to showcase buildings. What I also like about Leeds is that there are many buildings which allowed me to have a varied subjects in my photos and not just stick to either a select few of buildings of very similar buildings.This task was not in anyway hard as I enjoy and love taking photographs and as this was our main object it was a very enjoyable day. Navigating my way around Leeds was very easy as I have visited Leeds many times and I knew and been to every location I chose to photograph, and I believe even if I never visited Leeds before I would be able to find way round Leeds in order to go to every place I planned to photograph. One problem I did have to deal with was changing the film as even though its not a complicated process, doing it an space with surrounding members of the public makes it more difficult and could make me open the back of the camera when the film has been correctly wound back. However I was able to overcome this and correctly and successfully change the film, allowing me to take more photos of different buildings, varying the amount of buildings at my disposal to take images of. When selecting the buildings I focused on lines on the building as previously looking at the work of Alexander Jacques as he creates abstract photographs where the lines lead the audience in and out of the image, this is a very creative technique and I wanted to apply it to my own photographs.

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