Tuesday 2 December 2014

Drawing with light contact sheet

 This photos were taken in a studio that was near to plicth black to allow the light make a  lasting imprint on the photograph and be able to make shapes. I asked to people i know to move glow sticks in some photographs to create a shape, whereas in some photos i asked them to go crazy and move the glows sticks in a random way to creative effect and shape to give the images a twist. I setted my camera to the mode which allowed me to adjust the shutter speed and change other settings to how i like , which would allow me to take the most effective photos. Some photos were a success as the light makes a lasting effect on the image as the light stands out in the photo. The aspect of movement is shown here as the light is making traces on the photo which evokes the movement the person had to make to showcase the light in this way.

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