Tuesday 9 December 2014

Final Evaluation of project

This is one of my final prints and the reasons for choosing this photo in particular was due to the fact that I love the style of the photograph and how the shot was taken. This is a photocopy of the photo I printed in the darkroom using the skills and know how while working in the darkroom. Even though the subject is not in motion it evokes a sense of movement as the subject is a mode of transport which i believed looked interesting and unique while still been able to be associated with movement.

This image was also shot on a street, while i was standing on a curb. as i wanted both subjects to be placed against the background of the busy street scene to set the theme and support the theme of movement. Movement is more visibly seen here as there is moving transport in the image , and these is creating motion blur that can be seen by the viewer. This allows the viewer to associate the image with the theme and idea of movement.

My favourite part of the project was the dark room as i never have worked in that environment before and i found it to be interesting as this was how photos were made. To learn about all of the equipment and techniques to use while working in the dark room. While making the test prints i found out about how much can affect the outcome of a photograph. As we were taking photos with a film camera it made me realise that every photo should count, as even though i use a digital camera which allows me to delete any photo i don't particular like this wasn't the case while using the film camera. I now will plan the shot before pressing the button as it will allow me to take full advantage of the amount of shots i have at my dissoluble.  The project also made me realise that we are consonantly surrounded by movement, as people and vehicles are always on the go, even when a person or a mode of transport is static these things remind us of movement. Shooting in black and white was something i was not used to and it was strange to also not see my photos after taking a photo, as i believe i have become to reliant on the useful features of shooting with a digital camera. I was also thrown into a new situation as we visited two places that i never have been to , so i had to adapt to new locations to be able to find the best places to take photographs, this happened to bee the roads that were the busiest. I believe that the hardest part of the project was learning about how to use the darkroom, as even though i found it easy after doing a couple of test prints i loved the challenge that i was faced with when i first entered the dark room. Another interesting part of the project was taking photos of the drawing with light as i thought the concept and idea was creative and allowed me to take interesting and unique images. This project allowed me to apply themes to my work, these themes were colour/light and movement, even in the drawing with light there was a aspect of movement as the light traced  across the image  and the viewers eye moves along with the light marks. Even though the shoots have taken place in the street , other such things like nature and people were not key or wanted in these photos as i wanted the viewer to focus on the main subject which is movement and a mode of transport which allows movement. Overall movement was the most important and key part of the photograph and i believe i have captured and showcased movement very well in work. Another part of the project i loved was making the flip books as the way of making them was easy and clever and i wouldn't mind making other flip books. My idea to showcase movement in my flip books was simple, one was asking someone to change the expression on their face and the other idea was to take another set of continuous shots of a fountain. Both of these ideas worked really well as when i completed the books, when flipped it looked like i wanted it to and it played out the scene i photographed. 

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