Saturday 6 December 2014

My film work

These photos have been taken from my film strip, all were taken while on a trip.  I had a limit of 36 photos so i had to plan and make sure everything thing was perfect before taking a shot. I will be using the picture of the scooter and the bus driving down the road as i believed these both supported the idea of movement as both include a mode of transport. i had to look at the foreground and background , making sure there were no distractions or obscuring items in the frame that could distract the attention of the viewer. Most of these images do not include people and this was done because i found it easier to photograph still life and vehicles as they were more consistent in their direction and speed of movement. I used a slow shutter speed for the majority of these photos as i wanted to achieve a look of motion blur as a key aspects in nearly all of the photos. However i did experiment with the shutter speeds as in some images i wanted there to be a  freeze frame like look on the photos as i wanted the objects in the photo to appear completely still in the photograph.  As i was taking photos at locations i wasnt used to i had to adapt and find the most convenient and best places to take photographs. 

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